Artisti / The Who

Artisti /
The Who


The Who

The Who Sell Out Mono

Vinile Colorato


Edizione speciale e limitata: missaggio originale Mono su Vinile colorato (LP1 rosso - LP2 arancione).
LP1 Armenia City in The Sky Heinz Baked Beans Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand Odorono Tattoo Our Love Was I Can See for Miles I Can’t Reach You Medac Relax Silas Stingy Sunrise Rael (+ Track Records run-off groove) LP2 Pictures of Lily (original UK Track single mix) Doctor, Doctor (original UK Track single mix) The Last Time (original UK Track single mix) Under My Thumb (original UK Track single mix) I Can See for Miles (original UK Track single mix) Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand (original US Decca single mix) Someone’s Coming (original US Decca single mix) Unused Radio London ad / Early Morning Cold Taxi (1967 mono mix) Unused Radio London bulletin link /Jaguar (1967 mono mix) Unused Radio London ad /Tattoo (early alternate mono mix) Rael (Talentmasters Studio, New York early rough mix) Sunn promo spots Great Shakes ad
Il terzo album degli Who, uscito originariamente nel dicembre 1967. The Who Sell Out riflette un anno straordinario della cultura popolare, in cui Controcultura e Love Generation diventarono un fenomeno globale e il Pop iniziò a trasformarsi in Rock. Contiene il singolo I Can See for Miles, Top Ten Hit all’epoca e ancora oggi un classico della band.